Monday - Friday - Northern regions of Sydney
0414 770 712

Funding Sources

Funding Source:How to Access:OT Services:
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)We accept referrals from Self and Plan-Managed NDIS Participants. Participants can self refer or go through your Support Coordinator. Home Modifications
Assistive Technology
Functional Assessments
ADL Assessments
Skill building OT
Home Care Packages (HCP)Home care packages are available to people aged 65 or older and require an ACAT assessment. See link for more information.

If you already have a Home Care Package, we accept refers from your Home Care Provider.
Home Modifications
Equipment Prescription
Functional Assessments
ADL Assessments
Skill building OT
Falls Prevention
Cognitive Assessment and Therapy
Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA)DVA Gold and White card holders require a GP Referral to access OT services.Home Modifications
Equipment Prescription
Functional Assessments
ADL Assessments
MedicareGP Referral and GP Management Plan required to access OT services.Chronic Disease Management